On Watching Mr. Rogers Bury a Dead Fish My grandchildren and I sat mesmerized, as he quietly, carefully, netted the little silver body, wrapped it reverently in a paper towel shroud, troweled a hole i...Read More
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing If I could tell you just one thing, it would be this- beneath the daily disappointments, beneath the layers of frustration, anger, sadness, beneath even your despair...Read More
Each Morning, Daughters In these quiet early hours, before the day begins, my heart finds its way to each of you, my grown daughters. I float back and back to our deepest beginnings, when I had the sa...Read More
Changes We have lived in this house for so long that sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I half expect one child or another to peek around the corner. But they are all grown up now with their own...Read More
Feeling Fall Cool and crisp, these early days of fall are each one more lovely than the last. Yet they stir in me a melancholy I cannot name, but well recognize. I want to sip warm tea on the porch, w...Read More
Ideas Some people believe We are surrounded by ghosts, Old spirits who hang on, Wanting what they didn’t get- Revenge, Lost love, Closure. I don’t believe in ghosts. We will all leave behind A lif...Read More
Pure Possibility I. When I was born, I was pure possibility, just a brand new body with a fresh brain, ready for connection. Those connections unlocked my potential but also narrowed it. They rooted m...Read More
Cradled Lying in bed tonight, waiting for sleep to come, I am reminded of all the years of nights I lay here worrying about one child or another. Asleep in her room, my spirit would go to her, cradle ...Read More
River You could come to this place and discover nothing if you bring along your own noise, your own chaos. Because, like so much that is sacred, silence is the only entryway. So we leave it all behind...Read More
Learning Time I remember childhood’s summer, hot days flowing into cooler cicada evenings, unmarked by names of days or even months. Just ‘wadda ya wanna do now?’ My brother and I ride our bikes...Read More
Nourished So “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus A gentle rain greets me this morning and from the greenness of my home, all the world seems...Read More
Math All these years have passed and I still have the same repetitive dream. I am in college. It’s the end of semester and I realize there is a math class, calculus, trigonometry, a hard one, of cou...Read More
Swan Morning coffee in hand, I walked to the lake from the campground to greet the new day. The sun was already beaming bright, a light fog hovered over the water, cool. When, as if straight from a st...Read More
What is a Poem? You know that feeling when you’ve got too much to do and you can’t imagine how you are going to pack it all in so to calm yourself, you count ahead to the next quiet day, which doe...Read More
Breath In and out, in and out, in and out. In and out, tree and me, we breathe one another. Lung to leaf, she inhales my breath to build her body. Bronchioles branch, delivering her gift to all my cel...Read More
An Unexpected Benefit of Getting Older With many hard learned lessons behind us and a closer view of the finite future ahead, our desire to satisfy external standards of success becomes suddenly less ...Read More
Steady The rain started gently, welcomed on that hot, dry day. When we heard thunder in the distance, our parents called us inside where I sat at the window, cozy, and watched the trees begin to shutt...Read More
Window There is a pain that stands between me and the world. Like a wall, it keeps me separated, living in its shadow. It is the pain that followed me out of childhood, based on bad information imprin...Read More
Happy Sunday morning! This one was written a while ago, but today, I dedicate it to our friends, Bryan and Petra, Josephine and Russ, who lost their dear, kind, beautiful mother, Diana, this past week...Read More
Source Unlike these birds who wake up singing, I like to start my day slowly, quietly. I sit at this window and stare for a bit into the contrasting shades of green. The green tells me- reach up, grow...Read More
It’s been 64 years now, but still the same feeling. Birthday Girl Fifty-eight years ago today, my mother gave birth for the tenth time. I do not know if it was day or night, a long labor or shor...Read More