Elegy To My Father I My dreams took years to comprehend your death. Each night they found you Sipping coffee in the hard kitchen chair Lost in a book Children’s chaos somehow tuned out. Your ...Read More
The other night, I decided that I needed a break from Facebook. I finally hit the tipping point and could no longer absorb one more minute of the hatred and vitriol brought out by this election. Every...Read More
Savor So many days I have glimpsed this kind of calm, longed for it, then rushed off to something more frenzied. Today, I live within it. Hidden on this porch, I am surrounded everywhere by green leav...Read More
Morning Minds In the morning, I wake up Mourning doves coo me awake With a list of tasks A new day. Running through my head. I think I will sit I had better get them written down For a while Before th...Read More
The Room When I was a child, I closed all the doors into the hallway to make a new room, dark and empty, the center of everything. I searched closets and attic spaces, looking for somewhere I had neve...Read More
BIG THING I grew up believing That there was some BIG THING That I was supposed to do To make the world A better place. Becoming an adult Was all about figuring out What that BIG THING was. Then, if I...Read More
Saying Goodbye Can one ever really learn To take it as it comes, To savor the moment When what one loves Is so temporary? Just yesterday The trees were green, Bursting with life. But today, They stare...Read More
Ideas Some people believe We are surrounded by ghosts, Old spirits who hang on, Wanting what they didn’t get- Revenge, Lost love, Closure. I don’t believe in ghosts. We will all leave behind A lif...Read More
Every so often, I plan to post works by some of my favorite writers. I enjoy picking one poet and reading their work for a week or two. Immersing myself like this, I learn so much about the poet and...Read More
Pace Imagine the sound of a cloud moving leisurely across the sky, a pine tree’s imperceptible growth compelled by its longing for light, a gentle rain’s slow slide down the pane, the sigh ali...Read More
Home I like to be The first one home In the afternoon To find the house Silently waiting. The books rest on the shelf, Leaning gently to the left. The table holds the candlestick Benevolently in its p...Read More
River You could come to this place and discover nothing if you bring along your own noise, your own chaos. Because, like so much that is sacred, silence is the only entryway. So we leave it all behind...Read More
Passing So many similarities— The way they sleep so much, Struggle to open their eyes, Their gaunt frames, Flailing limbs, Iridescently thin skin, Shallow, rapid breath. They are so delicate, These ...Read More
Staring When I was young, I used to watch people closely. Limp with fascination, knees locked, mouth gaping, I would slowly leave self-consciousness behind and stare. Entranced, I took a person in com...Read More
Off to Bed Again How did another day Pass so quickly? Every one is like a playing card Being shuffled into the deck, Each so much the same, Each slightly different. I lie down in the same bed, Next to...Read More
The Worrier She lies in bed, Staring into the silent darkness Outside her window. Fears, Muffled by day, Now rise, one by one, To the surface. Her family, Her job, The future And anxieties She cannot ...Read More
Becoming In your womb she rests drawing from blood, bone all she needs. Your heart calls hers to sing its rhythm. Your fear, the losses you’ve sustained cannot touch her here. She grows safely forme...Read More
When Sadness Comes to Visit Against all instinct, Don’t run away. Try not to fix anything. Don’t get busy Cleaning the house Or running errands. Just sit down with it. Offer it a cup of te...Read More
One Step And Then Another You can go along In the darkness For a very long time, Just following the glimmer Of light in the distance. One step And then another In the only direction You recognize As t...Read More
Invisible Tiger- -on the results of genetic testing for Huntington’s Disease You have been my companion for over thirty years. I have lived in fear of you, Tried to ignore you, And looked obsessivel...Read More
Light of the World An unexpected loss Plunges her into a dark world. So she writes, Pulling from time and experience, Every twig of hope She can find. She places them, by hand, In a small brown...Read More