Staring When I was young, I used to watch people closely. Limp with fascination, knees locked, mouth gaping, I would slowly leave self-consciousness behind and stare. Entranced, I took a person in com...Read More
As The Pandemic Wanes The days, one after another, are beginning to look different, to feel lighter. There is an air of celebration and relief as we return to what was once normal. Yet, I am reluctant...Read More
Months The months fly past, each with its own essence, its own meanings and memories gathered from all the years on this journey around and around the sun. I say good-bye to a month and in no time at ...Read More
Along for the Ride The whole family piled into that station wagon. Big kids sat in the middle seat, little kids in the far back, facing the rear. I was one of the little kids, just along for the ride....Read More
Ode To A Chair The old metal chair sits in the backyard, Its back firm, Its arms magnanimously at its side. It weathers all the seasons, Patiently enduring snow and storms And oxidizing sun. Dirt and ...Read More
Lush So much green on this new spring morning. I breathe deep the freshness, let its tenderness nourish and heal whatever is wounded inside. How is it that we have just one word for green when its ton...Read More
Expansion and Contraction In the beginning, I lived in a womb. That is how small my world once was. When I stretched that place to its limit, I was born. My world has been an expanding circle ever sin...Read More
Younger Self I can see her there, looking confident, cocky even, but I know her well. She is terrified, has no idea what she is supposed to do with this “life” that is now, suddenly, hers. I wonde...Read More
After the Rain Its the sound of this creek flowing strong over and through mossy green boulders, how it speaks right to the core of me, washing away detritus, finding its course around the blocked, th...Read More
Beyond Once I stop wrangling with the noisy beast of ego, I can enter the silent stillness where creativity is a bird that carries me into the fullness of being. By Maria Brady-Smith Pho...Read More
Easter Morning, Early It is quiet now. I am remembering all the years of excited flurry, the children rushing down the stairs, faces still doughy from sleep, yet shining in anticipation. There were ti...Read More
Hallelujah On this crisp spring morning, the dogwood tree gracefully offers its abundant platters of delicate blossoms in an act of grateful praise. A royal carpet of violets covers the ground at its ...Read More
I Don’t Know I am still learning to take it as it comes. Words like “let go” and “acceptance” flow through me, have become a constant mantra. When I was younger, I worked hard to forge my ow...Read More
I write you a love poem I write you a love poem. I tear the page from my notebook, Fold it into an airplane, And send it to you. Caught on the breeze, It floats gently down, Engulfed by the fire That ...Read More
Daily Prayer It is here in these quiet pre-dawn moments that I have come to discover the Kingdom of Heaven within. At Your feet I set my burdens then raise my heart open, breathe in healing Light, bef...Read More
Changes We have lived in this house for so long that sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I half expect one child or another to peek around the corner. But they are all grown up now with their own...Read More
Calm When the noise finally stops and the silence that follows feels so unfamiliar, used, as you are, to the constant chaos, breathe it in, welcome it. Let that which has taken cover in your deepest s...Read More
Rhythm of the Sea It took a day and night to arrive in Ireland by plane. My spirit, however, lagged behind, gliding slowly over land and ocean. It was carried in by the tide to the Antrim Coast where ...Read More
Nourished So “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus A gentle rain greets me this morning and from the greenness of my home, all the world seems...Read More
There is Beauty Everywhere Even the tattered tarp that covers the woodpile, battered as it is by the bitter wind, cups a puddle of rainwater in its folds, which it offers now, like a chalice, to the t...Read More
Happy Sunday morning. After the events of this week, I didn’t know what to say here. Do I post words of outrage? Disbelief? Fear? Despair? Or comfort? It is my personal belief that in times of t...Read More