If I Could Tell You Just One Thing If I could tell you just one thing, it would be this- beneath the daily disappointments, beneath the layers of frustration, anger, sadness, beneath even your despair...Read More
Here in the Woods I want to say that it is simpler here, but there is infinite complexity everywhere I look. Life here is focused, steadfastly determined to grow, to repair, to connect. The oak sprout...Read More
When Sadness Comes to Visit Against all instinct, Don’t run away. Try not to fix anything. Don’t get busy Cleaning the house Or running errands. Just sit down with it. Offer it a cup of te...Read More
This one is for my two November girls- Laurel and Grace, now 35 and almost 27. November November. I remember the long days of anticipation as I neared the end of pregnancy, watching for any sign of la...Read More
What is a Poem? You know that feeling when you’ve got too much to do and you can’t imagine how you are going to pack it all in so to calm yourself, you count ahead to the next quiet day, which doe...Read More
I Want to Learn Instead of rushing to resolution, insisting on an instant fix, I want to learn to clear a space for the difficult questions. I would sweep away the debris around it, the panic and proj...Read More
Bringing in the Day A mother wakes before her children To experience silence, To pray for strength. A man stands at the window Each morning, coffee in hand, And watches shadow Turn to light. An old wo...Read More
Thank you, Dear Body Thank you, dear body, for embracing my spirit so steadfastly, for the unfaltering rhythm of breath and heartbeat all these many years. Thank you, dear body, for drawing all you ne...Read More
Missed Boat There was a time when I looked at other people’s expansive homes, their accomplishments, their travels, and I got the sense that we had somehow missed the boat. We hadn’t gotten news t...Read More
Cradled Lying in bed tonight, waiting for sleep to come, I am reminded of all the years of nights I lay here worrying about one child or another. Asleep in her room, my spirit would go to her, cradle ...Read More
Toward Love “The heart beneath is teaching to the broken heart above.” Leonard Cohen Here you are at this precise time, in this exact place, at this very age, the culmination of so much. Every mom...Read More
Saying Good-Bye Can one ever really learn To take it as it comes, To savor the moment When what one loves Is so temporary? Just yesterday The trees were green, Bursting with life. But today, They star...Read More
The Room When I was a child, I closed all the doors into the hallway to make a new room, dark and empty, the center of everything. I searched closets and attic spaces, looking for somewhere I had neve...Read More
Some Mornings Some mornings I wake up so afraid. I see how much is slipping away while I stand in frozen disbelief. I am overwhelmed by the futility of my small actions. I wonder at the naive sureness...Read More
Today I Want Today I want to be a tree, rooted deeply in the intricate soil, with all of its invisible connections, its infinite mystery. Today I want to be a reaching leaf, surfaced with sunlight and...Read More
Quiet Waits For Me Whether it be the leaf falling silently unseen, the heartbeat of a tiny bird, tucked beneath its wing, or the endless flow of the river far away, quiet is the constant backdrop of m...Read More
Your Voice in the Forest – to Mike on our 39th anniversary We’ve walked together for four decades in the forest, a world I never would have known so deeply without you. This is where you come ...Read More
Home Again Soul As a child I thought my soul Was an organ That sat In my breastless chest. Pure, As white as a cloud, A cotton ball, A baby blanket, Downy soft, A place where The Holy Spirit dove Coul...Read More
Enough Eventually, you decide that this is enough. You stop striving for more, for different. Or maybe you realize that while you have been grasping for all of that, this has been ripening into someth...Read More
Stories When I am at the end of my story looking back, one of the things I will miss most is sitting on the porch swing with a child reading book after book after book. Rocking gently, their weight ag...Read More
Living Within The Mystery The older I get, the less I seem to “know”, the more I realize that we humans look for answers more than the truth because answers, even if not quite right, help to quell...Read More