I have been posting a poem almost every Sunday for six years. A lot has happened in this country, in the world, during this time, much of it very distressing. What has happened in the past couple of w...Read More
Generosity It took most of a lifetime for her to understand that it wasn’t so much gifts or kind deeds as it was something much simpler and more challenging. It was a willingness to enter another pe...Read More
All In When I have borne witness to more pain than I can carry, I sometimes take a walk along the seashore of my mind. I surrender the heartaches I hold to the crashing waves, let them be washed away ...Read More
Unsaid My barely Teenage daughter weeps. Deep knotted sobs. I ask her what is wrong And she just replies, “I don’t know.” All my soothings And proddings Result in no enlightenment For either of ...Read More
At Sixty-Three There is so much history in me now, so many memories from so many phases of life, all calling for recognition, for some kind of resolution. It makes my mind a very noisy place to be. Th...Read More
Book Review The main character has kept me company for a while now on quiet afternoons, has coaxed me back to sleep on anxious nights. Against the backdrop of a particular moment in history in a parti...Read More
What My Words Cannot Contain I want my life to be a prayer and by that, I mean a seeking, a listening, a blossoming toward. Toward what? I don’t want to say “God” because it is a word too fraugh...Read More
Waiting and Watching “Every cry of the heart is attended by light’s own arms.” -St. Francis of Assisi Today, it was the quivering leaves of the oak tree glimmering in the sun and the frayed gray...Read More
Letting Go There was so much you had to let go of to get to this place, this intersection of what you do and who you are- dreams that weren’t really your own, worn out beliefs, old habits of thought...Read More
Core I think that at the very core of me, often hidden beneath the fear and trauma, the busyness and distraction, the grief, there is pure joy. Ever renewing, it has sustained me all these many years ...Read More
Mya turned 12 this week. She is absolute perfection. Passing So many similarities— The way they sleep so much, Struggle to open their eyes, Their gaunt frames, Flailing limbs, Iridescently thin skin...Read More
Clara is 38 now and I still feel exactly the same. Clear and BrightTo Clara on her 34th birthday Being your motherhas so defined my path,it is hard to conceive thatthere was a timebefore. But on this,...Read More
Dreams My husband told me he had a dream that he was running like the wind. Oh, yes. I know just the one. I, too, dream of running fast, of singing like a bird at dawn, of writing like a stream in spr...Read More
Introversion When I am around a lot of people, there is a little scribe in my brain who insists on taking notes, processing every single interaction. He is very thorough and writes slowly with his tin...Read More
Missed Connections Real life is hard. We are busy, distracted, preoccupied. My words are insufficient, awkward. I say the wrong things or I don’t know what to say at all. We just keep missing connec...Read More
Here I Am I don’t spend much time contemplating the future, which is why it always surprises me when it comes anyway and so soon. I am more focused on trying to reconcile the past, because by now, t...Read More
A Blessing As you set out on the path ahead, may the difficulties of the past be transformed into strength and compassion. May your fears be channeled into alert determination. May self-doubt recede s...Read More
I am still learning how to live I live still learning how to live into the empty spaces, to sit within them quietly rather than fill them quickly just to keep anxiety and guilt at bay. I am still lear...Read More
New Year’s Resolution Take a bite of warm apple sauce on this frigid January day. Remember your small granddaughter climbing the rickety ladder by the tree, its branches drooping with fruit. Remembe...Read More
What If? What if, instead of living in its shadow, we shone just the gentlest light into the secret corners of our grief? What if, instead of pushing it away, we held the trembling animal of shame in ...Read More
Happy Sunday morning! This week marks 42 years since my dad died and today, our big family will gather for a Christmas celebration. I will look for him in the faces and personalities of our children a...Read More