Questions About Place Can you ever really know a place? You show up, dwell in it for a short time or long, but you never know its whole history. What happened here before- a day ago, a decade, a centu...Read More
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing If I could tell you just one thing, it would be this- beneath the daily disappointments, beneath the layers of frustration, anger, sadness, beneath even your despair...Read More
November November. I remember the long days of anticipation as I neared the end of pregnancy, watching for any sign of labor. November is waiting. All the unknowns were still ahead. How would I face t...Read More
Pace Imagine the sound of a cloud moving leisurely across the sky, a pine tree’s imperceptible growth compelled by its longing for light, a gentle rain’s slow slide down the pane, the sigh ali...Read More
Beyond Words Each morning, I write and write my way to the edge, then let go and soar. This is where I find You- beyond words. My spirit renewed, I experience You in all creation, recognize You in eve...Read More
What if? What if, instead of living in its shadow, we shone just the gentlest light into the secret corners of our grief? What if, instead of pushing it away, we held the trembling animal of shame in ...Read More
Just When Just when I am most unsettled, walking the frayed edge of anxiety, an unexpectedly quiet, rainy afternoon comes along and like a deep exhalation, peace settles in once again. B...Read More
Numbers My father died at fifty-nine, the age that I am now. My mother lived on another thirty-six years, which happens to be the number that I have been married. Sure, these are just the kind of mean...Read More
Granddaughter We are walking together across the blazing blacktop. Sweat blossoms on my lip and brow. She is talking, talking, talking. Her hand, as if it knows its own language, the language of trust...Read More
Late Afternoon There are plenty of days that I let this moment pass, just keep working, ignore the slant afternoon sun’s beckoning call. Come, it says. Rest. Linger for a while. You have worked hard...Read More
Stones All day long, I am recalling a long ago moment, faded and vague. All that is left is younger you, reaching for a rumpled bundle of flowers that you had somehow secured to your bike. All that is...Read More
Weary When overwhelmed by the abrasiveness of information coming in, too fast, too disturbing to absorb, I let my mind rest for a bit in the silent prayer of familiar daily tasks and that is often jus...Read More
How I Want To Remember Us We were all there, the whole family, sitting on a blanket together. Waiting. An entire history of events had brought us to that moment, including tragedy and grief that I was...Read More
Enough Eventually, you decide that this is enough. You stop striving for more, for different. Or maybe you realize that while you have been grasping for all of that, this has been ripening into someth...Read More
Nourished So “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus A gentle rain greets me this morning and from the greenness of my home, all the world seems...Read More
I don’t have a poem this morning. All week long, I have been writing, waiting for inspiration, an idea that I can hone and soar with. Usually, if I am open, it comes. But this week, there ha...Read More
Steady The rain started gently, welcomed on that hot, dry day. When we heard thunder in the distance, our parents called us inside where I sat at the window, cozy, and watched the trees begin to shutt...Read More
A Mercy Most days, I judge myself harshly. Most days, I wonder if I am doing things right. And most days, I keep these insecurities inside. So I am grateful for a person who wears their vulnerability ...Read More
Changes We have lived in this house for so long that sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I half expect one child or another to peek around the corner. But they are all grown up now with their own...Read More
Lush So much green on this new spring morning. I breathe deep the freshness, let its tenderness nourish and heal whatever is wounded inside. How is it that we have just one word for green when its ton...Read More
In Silence I grew up in a noisy and chaotic household, full to overflowing with the wildness of children. A moment of silence was so rare that, like a vacuum, it made my ears ring. I loved it anyway. ...Read More