Come, Poem You have always lived in me, waiting to be discovered. When I clear away the debris- the doubts, the distractions, the distorted beliefs that have kept you hidden, a hint of your essence be...Read More
Saying Good-Bye Can one ever really learn To take it as it comes, To savor the moment When what one loves Is so temporary? Just yesterday The trees were green, Bursting with life. But today, They star...Read More
All In When I have borne witness to more pain than I can carry, I sometimes take a walk along the seashore of my mind. I surrender the heartaches I hold to the crashing waves, let them be washed away ...Read More
surrounded i sit on my back porch this morning in the middle of this neighborhood this town this country in the middle of this week this month this year completely secluded by the green nestled safely...Read More
Haven There is plastic fast food packaging, Pundit screaming television, Blindingly bright digital billboards, Ice cold building in the middle of summer. And then there is you, White pine, Steady and ...Read More
Kindergarten I was one of those that wept, my heart clinging despondently to the past, wept to see my mother turn so easily to leave me, wept at this stranger’s kind effort, how softly she spoke, co...Read More
Living Within The Mystery The older I get, the less I seem to “know”, the more I realize that we humans look for answers more than the truth because answers, even if not quite right, help to quell...Read More
Globe Many days, I hold my life like a globe in front of me, turning it slowly in my hands, evaluating it. Am I good enough? Even after all these years, the question persists, unanswered. It lives lik...Read More
Home I like to be The first one home In the afternoon To find the house Silently waiting. The books rest on the shelf, Leaning gently to the left. The table holds the candlestick Benevolently in its p...Read More
Today I Want Today I want to be a tree, rooted deeply in the intricate soil, with all of its invisible connections, its infinite mystery. Today I want to be a reaching leaf, surfaced with sunlight and...Read More
Rocks My husband Brings home rocks And sets them, Like a treasure, In the middle of the table. I don’t know what to do With all of them. They are interesting, Most of them, to look at, But numerous,...Read More
BIG THING I grew up believing That there was some BIG THING That I was supposed to do To make the world A better place. Becoming an adult Was all about figuring out What that BIG THING was. Then, if I...Read More
In June All around me, there are worlds within and beyond my world inviting me to let go of my preoccupations and enter. The mourning dove coos a deep lullaby from afar, quieting my bothered mind. A s...Read More
How He Worships He wakes in the morning, stretches his stiff bones, dresses, kisses his wife, pours a cup of coffee and steps out the door into the garden that he has planted, tilling and sowing, hoei...Read More
How They Saved Me My prayers of desperation were almost always centered around my children. Please. I beg You. Bargaining, even though I don’t believe in that sort of thing. I would have given my li...Read More
Some Mornings Some mornings I wake up so afraid. I see how much is slipping away while I stand in frozen disbelief. I am overwhelmed by the futility of my small actions. I wonder at the naive sureness...Read More
Source Unlike these birds who wake up singing, I like to start my day slowly, quietly. I sit at this window and stare for a bit into the contrasting shades of green. The green tells me- reach up, grow...Read More
On Turning Sixty I am not old. But I can see old there on the horizon. Which has always been true, I suppose. Its just that now, I don’t need binoculars. Like most change, this aging thing is not my...Read More
In the Details It’s in the details that I exist. It’s in good morning, did you sleep ok? Come on girls, its time to wake up, Flipping on the hall light Shuffling down the stairs To start coffee. I...Read More
Gift of a Teapot It was a wedding gift from long ago friends- a tiny Japanese teapot imprinted with leaves from the ancient ginkgo, a tree that has survived the millennia when tougher, bigger trees di...Read More
Hallelujah On this crisp spring morning, the dogwood tree gracefully offers its abundant platters of delicate blossoms in an act of grateful praise. A royal carpet of violets covers the ground at its ...Read More