On Watching Mr. Rogers Bury a Dead Fish My grandchildren and I sat mesmerized, as he quietly, carefully, netted the little silver body, wrapped it reverently in a paper towel shroud, troweled a hole i...Read More
Mid-February Look at the tree. Just by growing, by reaching toward the Light, it provides so much- breath and beauty, shade and haven, nourishment. It doesn’t punish itself, but endures what must be...Read More
When Sadness Comes to Visit Against all instinct, Don’t run away. Try not to fix anything. Don’t get busy Cleaning the house Or running errands. Just sit down with it. Offer it a cup of te...Read More
Heaven Maybe it’s a place like I see sometimes in my dreams. We are all children about four years old and we are playing the way children this age do- with total abandon in the moment. Running, clim...Read More
A Vision I see myself an old woman, Lying, one morning, On my deathbed. It would be so clear then. The painful things- Wasted wanting, worries, Time spent following some anxious call, Dark roads of fe...Read More
A Blessing As you set out on the path ahead, may the difficulties of the past be transformed into strength and compassion. May your fears be channeled into alert determination. May self-doubt recede s...Read More
Foremothers’ Solace Late afternoon, waning sunlight streaming in, the familiar, repetitive work of keeping a household afloat finished for the day, I rest. It occurs to me how hard my foremothers mu...Read More
Sense of Well-Being Such a luxurious beginning, the way I climb out of this soft, warm bed and have everything I need- a bathrobe and slippers, a toothbrush and paste, a toilet that flushes, ample cof...Read More
Hiking Companions Anxiety starts off strong, picking up stones along the path to rub their sharp edges, but wears out quickly. Melancholy quietly places those stones in a sack and slings it over his s...Read More
Your Gift In this cold, bleak season, the cover of green long gone, all kinds of messiness is exposed. The world looks stark, turning thoughts to gray. Then, one, small, lovely thing breaks through th...Read More
Each Morning, Daughters In these quiet early hours, before the day begins, my heart finds its way to each of you, my grown daughters. I float back and back to our deepest beginnings, when I had the sa...Read More
Happy Sunday morning! This week marks forty years since my father died. It seems like at least two lifetimes ago. I wrote this poem twenty years ago. I am glad that I did. It helps to remind me who he...Read More
Bullies Twin brothers, bullies Shame and Guilt, often block my way on the sidewalk of Life. Shame aims for the heart, whispering menacingly, “You’re no good.” Guilt goes straight for the gut, re...Read More
Thank you, Dear Body Thank you, dear body, for embracing my spirit so steadfastly, for the unfaltering rhythm of breath and heartbeat all these many years. Thank you, dear body, for drawing all you ne...Read More
Changes We have lived in this house for so long that sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I half expect one child or another to peek around the corner. But they are all grown up now with their own...Read More
Entropy You know that moment in movies when the main character, having spent day and night chasing a murderer, conquering demons, saving lives, comes home to their high rise apartment with its wall of...Read More
Essence Song While the chaos of the world spins out of control, encroaching, threatening, step back for a moment and listen. Beneath the noise, there is a familiar wordless melody calling to you. It i...Read More
The Worrier She lies in bed, Staring into the silent darkness Outside her window. Fears, Muffled by day, Now rise, one by one, To the surface. Her family, Her job, The future, And anxieties She cannot...Read More
Reminiscing As their colors begin to turn, each day a little more brown and yellow and red, the trees seem to be reminiscing. “Remember?” they say to each other on the cool wind. “Remember May a...Read More
House When I close my eyes, I can still step onto that porch and enter the arched doorway of the house I grew up in. And though it is long gone, torn down to make way for something bigger, I can still...Read More
What If? What if, instead of living in its shadow, we shone just the gentlest light into the secret corners of our grief? What if, instead of pushing it away, we held the trembling animal of shame in ...Read More