Pure Possibility I. When I was born, I was pure possibility, just a brand new body with a fresh brain, ready for connection. Those connections unlocked my potential but also narrowed it. They rooted m...Read More
River You could come to this place and discover nothing if you bring along your own noise, your own chaos. Because, like so much that is sacred, silence is the only entryway. So we leave it all behind...Read More
Journaling In the same notebook that I dump the darkest toxins of my soul, I also create my dreams- white lilies unfolding, tender yellow stamen, that even too strong a breeze, too hot a sun could wil...Read More
Bones I’ve lived with these worn out beliefs for so long that I don’t even notice them. They’ve just settled in my bones. Like an old pair of shoes that have conformed, deformed to fit my feet, ...Read More
Steady The rain started gently, welcomed on that hot, dry day. When we heard thunder in the distance, our parents called us inside where I sat at the window, cozy, and watched the trees begin to shutt...Read More
Pace Imagine the sound of a cloud moving leisurely across the sky, a pine tree’s imperceptible growth compelled by its longing for light, a gentle rain’s slow slide down the pane, the sigh alignin...Read More
surrounded i sit on my back porch this morning in the middle of this neighborhood this town this country in the middle of this week this month this year completely secluded by the green nestled safely...Read More
I have no words sufficient for this moment. As the depth of this trauma sinks in, as the outrage continues, as the grief washes over, all I know to offer is a moment of silence. All I know to do is ba...Read More
Wren There are whole days that I am on the verge of tears and I don’t know completely the reason why. I bring my heart to You, God. Where else can I go? I set it before you like a wounded bird, then...Read More
Breath In and out, in and out, in and out. In and out, tree and me, we breathe one another. Lung to leaf, she inhales my breath to build her body. Bronchioles branch, delivering her gift to all my cel...Read More
I’m the Mom I wasn’t born a mother, like my children think. Once, not long ago, I was a child, too. I hung my head off the couch and looked at the world upside down, lost myself in play, picke...Read More
Pandemic Dream It is that moment in childhood’s early summer when everything is fresh with possibility and forever makes its promises once more. I open the back screen door and step barefoot into th...Read More
Missed Connections Real life is hard. We are busy, distracted, preoccupied. My words are insufficient, awkward. I say the wrong things or I don’t know what to say at all. We just keep missing connec...Read More
Window There is a pain that stands between me and the world. Like a wall, it keeps me separated, living in its shadow. It is the pain that followed me out of childhood, based on bad information imprin...Read More
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing If I could tell you just one thing, it would be this- beneath the daily disappointments, beneath the layers of frustration, anger, sadness, beneath even your despair...Read More
This one is dedicated to my mom, who would have been 100 years old yesterday. How I Want To Remember Us We were all there, the whole family, sitting on a blanket together. Waiting. An entire history o...Read More
Spring Let’s fall in love again. We’ll unlock this closed house, Open the windows, And sweep complacency From the corners. We’ll step out Into this familiar garden. It’s been asleep, Silen...Read More
I know it doesn’t always go this way. But I believe it can. Resilience We humans- we were made to adapt. Our very survival depends on it. Sure, we’d rather not. We resist, we deny, we shake our fi...Read More
Retrospect Sure. Looking back, you tell yourself, you would have done things differently. You should have tried harder, been more patient. You could have done more. But retrospect is an observation to...Read More
Letting Go There was so much you had to let go of to get to this place, this intersection of what you do and who you are- dreams that weren’t really your own, worn out beliefs, old habits of thought...Read More
Book Review The main character has kept me company for a while now on quiet afternoons, has coaxed me back to sleep on anxious nights. Against the backdrop of a particular moment in history in a parti...Read More