Pure Possibility
When I was born,
I was pure possibility,
just a brand new body
with a fresh brain,
ready for connection.
Those connections
unlocked my potential
but also narrowed it.
They rooted me
and allowed me to grow here,
but not there.
I am this,
but not that.
I wish I could float high enough
to see the whole picture at once.
Would it all make sense then?
Would I understand?
But I am firmly rooted
right here,
right now.
I can see only
the bit of world
framed by my own window.
I am discovering that
the closer I look
at the bit of world
framed by my own window,
the more it expands.
When I delve deep enough,
I enter the realm
of pure possibility again,
where all of our connections exist.
By Maria Brady-Smith
Photo by Mike Smith
Yes, yes. Thanks Maria