This Train That Is My Life
“The ability to simplify
means to eliminate the unnecessary
so that the necessary may speak.”
Hans Hofman
I wouldn’t say
that it is speeding by,
but it is moving
at a pretty good clip.
No matter what
I choose to do with my time,
the train just keeps going,
day then night then day again.
And so,
priorities shake into place.
I can see more clearly
what matters to me
and what does not.
I am learning over and over
to let the unnecessary
drop away,
to clear my path
to the window,
where I can explore
the scenery,
the horizon on the distance.
I don’t know
where I am headed.
How could I?
I’ve never been here before.
But when I pay attention,
I can sense the unease
of getting off track,
of succumbing to the unnecessary,
and I can feel the flow
when I accept
the invitation of spirit,
of this train
that is my life.
By Maria Brady-Smith
Photo by Mike Smith
Yes, “priorities shake into place” I am getting on that train.
Thanks Maria.